About Alison

Alison Leverett-Morris

Certified Neuroscience Coach & UKCP Registered Hypno-Psychotherapist

Executive Coach & Leadership Consultant

Master’s degree in Leadership

Former CEO of an Arts & Mental Health Charity

👇🏼 More than 2 decades & thousands of hours of client experience 👇🏼

Awarded "Most Innovative Facilitator UK", National Facilitator Awards 2023



Investing in yourself (or your business) is a big decision

It’s important you feel we’re a good fit for each other

Here’s a flavour of what I’m about…

My Passion

Is supporting people to live to their potential and enjoy purposeful lives that make a difference. That’s my thing. When I look back over my 25 year career, that’s the constant theme. I love to see people shining at the fullest expression of who they are. And I love the positive “ripple effect” created when people in leadership roles step into their natural best. Better businesses, happier people, meaningful lives… and a positive contribution to the world.

I firmly believe that ongoing personal growth is the secret to a life well-lived. Life can be tough. Painful things happen to us all. But often, the biggest battle we face is the self-doubt between our ears.

Authenticity is everything to me

As a coach, I support my clients to be the best version of themselves – not a poor imitation of someone else. Authenticity is a vital component in leadership.

Growth happens outside our comfort zone. Everything we want is on the other side of what we fear. I’ve achieved more than I thought was possible – but I couldn’t have done it alone. I never lose sight of the importance of excellent professional support AND valuing the people and things you love in your personal life. For me, authenticity is also never expecting my clients to do something I’m not prepared to do myself – and that includes investing in ongoing personal & professional development.

I walk the talk. I never stop learning, I never stop growing. Every year, I invest hundreds of hours in further training and mentoring.

I pay for ongoing clinical supervision and coaching. And I attend two Masterminds with professional peers – similar to those I run. There’s nothing quite like the energy of an ongoing commitment to a group of people who share your values & ambitions. People who stretch you, support you, hold you accountable to the goals you set, pick you up when you’re down – and laugh with you.

I pay for the best!

I invest heavily and continuously in my personal and professional development… and I always seek out to learn from the best.

The late (and very great) Dr Geoff Ibbotson, was my clinical supervisor for 15 years. As a national expert in complex trauma, PTSD and mind-body medicine, Geoff had a huge influence on the development of my expertise and practice. It’s hard to convey the value of his 1:1 mentorship over such a long period of time. He was a legend, who left a phenomenal legacy.

I trained as a Neuroscience Coach with Shonte Taylor, one of the world’s most experienced and groundbreaking Neuroscientists. I wanted something deeper than “reading books and listening to podcasts”. I continue to be coached by Shonte, she helps me stay up to date with the latest understandings and research in the ever-developing field.

For support with my business and leadership work, I’m very fortunate to be part of TWO small-group Masterminds:

The Edge: run by Dean Graziosi. Aside from being a world expert and phenomenally successful business man himself, Dean has access to some of the best business brains in the world – who contribute to our Mastermind as guest experts. I travel from the UK to Arizona twice a year and attend virtually monthly.

Reign: run by Desilava Dobreva. Des is one of the most inspiring and authentic people you could ever meet in the online space. She is a force for good and a phenomenal business woman. I strongly recommend watching her Ted Talk and following her ever-engaging content on socials.

These mentors keep me fresh. I keep “upping my game” so I can continue to serve my clients to the highest level. Frequently offering new “gems & golden nuggets”. My clients are busy, with heavy workloads. Being able to do the “leg work” for them, in a time efficient way, is a key feature of how I work. I share everything I learn – be that in a short video, a voice note or a 1:1 session.

My professional background

Includes Certification as a Neuroscience Coach and Neuro Leader.

A 5-year training at The National College of Hypno-Psychotherapy, to become a UKCP Registered Hypno-Psychotherapist (which I still am). I worked full-time in clinical practice, for more than a decade and was awarded the JP Noble Award.

I also used to teach psychotherapists at National College, but don’t currently have capacity to do this. I continue see a small number of psychotherapy clients to maintain my expertise in this field and serve people in need.

This experience gives me a robust understanding of psychology & neuroscience – processes that drive human behaviour (consciously & subconsciously). A professional track record that is genuine. Thousands of hours supporting hundreds of people to resolve complex personal challenges and enjoy significant positive change in their lives.

I have qualifications and a strong track record of working with issues including PTSD, depression, anxiety and eating disorders.


I have a Masters Degree in Leadership, from City University, London and experience of working in numerous leadership roles.

The leadership training & coaching that I offer today, is a unique fusion of neuroscience, psychology & outcome-focused leadership strategies. Delivered in a relatable “real-world” way.

Other work & life stuff

I was CEO of an Arts & Mental Health charity for 7 years and after that I ran a business consultancy practice for 6 years.

I left the charity (that I loved) in 2007, because I thought my working hours were the reason a family “wasn’t happening” for us. (I was wrong about that by the way).

Today, our wonderful daughter is my absolute favourite person in the world to hang out with. After going through IVF for almost a decade, I genuinely appreciate every moment. She’s so creative, so much fun and makes me laugh every day.

I love my work and my private life. But it’s not “Instagram Perfect”. I have painful experiences, tough days & tired days just like anyone else.

Are we a fit?

I’m a down to earth, relatable person. The kind of person people talk to on the bus! I love to chat, I love to laugh.

If you want a coach who is “smart ar*e perfect” – and thoughtfully strokes their chin with a face like a blank canvas… that’s really not me.

To give an example: When the MD (of the company I still coach for) first sent his senior leaders to “see me”. One person (who was, and is, a bit of a rockstar) said
“I don’t know why I’m here, I don’t really need you, I’ve got nothing to talk about”.

2 hours later… and the rest (as they say) is history. To this day, this person continues to invest in reaching their “next level of awesome”.

Ongoing personal growth is the secret to a life well-lived.

Does this mean we just chat?

No. I’m a professional, focused on the changes you want to achieve in yourself, your business, your life. And I do know my stuff.

So, no. Our time together is not “just a friendly chat”. But being told it feels that way is a great compliment, because often we are navigating deep personal pain, insecurities, problems – and complex business challenges.

Like the proverbial swan, I work very hard for you. And if you meet me half-way – you will get the results you’re paying for.

I genuinely love my work

My clients are fabulous. Ambitious, hardworking, high values, achieving great things, top of the world some days, rock-bottom other days, battling self-doubt or navigating tough or painful things… human.

We go on quite a journey together. I’m their coach – but also their cheerleader. Their biggest fan doing cartwheels every time they experience a breakthrough, big or small.

What else about me?

I’m married and we have a little dog called Keith. He’s affectionately known as “Keith with no teeth” (because... he has no teeth).

Keith came to live with us when, sadly, his owner died of Covid. Everyone was surprised I rescued a dog – because I’d never been a “dog person”. I’m still not really a dog person… just a Keith person. He’s cute.

That’s more than enough about me

Because actually, when we work together, what I offer is a space that is all about – and for – YOU

If it feels like we could be a fit, do get in touch below. I guarantee you a warm welcome.

Alison Leverett-Morris, Leadership Coach & UKCP Registered Hypno-Psychotherapist