Amplify Mastermind

This is a game-changer!

Haven’t we all left training inspired… only to get sucked back into work, never to apply it?

In the ‘Action Pod’ (a high-trust, super-small group, facilitated by Alison) you are supported to take real-world action and master game-changing leadership skills

Members of the pod receive a highly personalised experience. It’s a confidential space to process a real-world opportunity, issue or challenge that YOU are facing. Benefiting from further training and coaching AND the insights and expertise of fellow pod members

We follow the ‘Action Learning’ process (see below) which ensures accountability and action-taking in a highly supportive environment

Places are strictly limited, to ensure a personalised, high-quality experience…

Action Learning is so impactful

But hard to describe. It's one of those "you have to be there" things

Action Learning is a win-win-win-win…

Critical leadership skills

Solutions to real-world challenges you face AND the support, movitation & accountability to take action towards the result you want to achieve

Invaluable insights into other business practices and leadership approaches (fellow members in the group)

High-trust connections & invaluable resource from the collective expertise and experience in the room

What is Action Learning?

Action Learning a structured process that could be described as peer coaching, with a facilitator. But it’s so much more than that

Action Learning is:

An opportunity to take a deep-dive into a real-world opportunity, issue or challenge that’s a priority for you

A methodology that emphasises deep reflection and real-world action

A process used in organisational and leadership development contexts to address, and find solutions to, complex challenges

A way to simultaneously address a complex issue AND develop invaluable leadership skills

The support, insights, collective expertise and experience in the room is a critical component – helping you arrive at a place you may not have alone

‘The Pod’:

Action Learning a structured process that could be described as peer coaching, with a facilitator. But it’s so much more than that

Action Learning is:

The process happens in a small group of suitably matched professional peers, who commit to the group for an agreed period of time (usually 12 months)

The ‘action’ part of Action Learning, comes from the motivation and accountability felt in the pod. Each meeting you agree an action (big or small, it’s up to you) and report back on that action next meeting

The process:

We’ll begin with training:

Developing leadership skills that are critical for Action Learning (and also game-changing back in your ‘day job’):

Some neuroscience (subconscious stages of learning, optimising our brain, focus, swerving blindspots etc)

Active listening

The power of a well-formed question (as opposed to ‘telling’)

Coaching skills to facilitate an individual to ‘arrive at’ an optimal strategy (empowering & elegant leadership!)

Each session we follow the structured Action Learning methodology:

Problem/opportunity identification

Uninterputed space to explain the issue

Clarification and questioning

Reflection & Action-planning

Discussion/feedback/sharing of resource and expertise

You’ll be ‘clunky’… at first!

Action Learning is facilitated for a reason. It’s sounds easy… it’s not!

When the ‘presenter’ shares their issue (informally talking it through, no powerpoint or pre-prepared speeches), it’s uninterrupted space (not a conversation). Everyone listens, until it’s time for questions (again, not conversation). Your questions are COACHING QUESTIONS (not advice, masked as a question…like, “have you thought about doing X?”)

It’s hard! Human nature kicks in. The topic being explored is FASCINATING. We see things through our own filter. We want to ‘help’ (or even control the direction). Often we’ve been through similar ourselves… and want to say “this happened to me!” I guarantee, there’ll be times you’re so animated, you’ll have to ‘bite into a cushion’ to stop yourself sharing a solution that is ‘SO OBVIOUS’ (to you)

And then… BOOM… someone asks an elegantly formed question that changes everything. New information comes into awareness, or new insights into the presenter’s perception. You witness their shift… or a blindspot comes into YOUR awareness… and you ‘get it’

Action Learning brings so many ‘penny dropping’, light-bulb moments and breakthroughs… for the person whose issue is being processed AND everyone else in the room

At the end…. there is relief! Not just because (in a surprisingly short amount of time) ‘the presenter’ has propelled forward on a complex issue – and committed to an action (that they’ll report back on, next time). But also because, AT LAST the entire group get to speak (freely!)

You share your perspective, ideas and offers of help and resource. Because your thoughts ARE OF VALUE. The expertise and experience in the room is of HUGE VALUE to the ‘presenter’. The group is an incredible resource

But it’s delayed gratification… and for good reason (see below)

You’ll soon be rockstar leaders!

The Action Learning experience develops leadership skills that will pay you dividends for the rest of your career

Discover how ONE elegantly formed question can be a game-changer to the most complex of problems

Propel to mastery in how you deliver your 1:1s and team meetings

Get off the hamster wheel / ‘doing everything’ yourself

Break the pattern of being the ‘go to solution’ for every single little problem in your business

Build a culture of empowerment, where your team step into their potential – and step up to the challenges they face in their work

Address ‘that thing’ which drives everyone crazy and none of us like to admit to (our need to control!)

It doesn’t take long for Action Learning Sets to become high-performing. Through the experience you become highly skilled at attentive listening, powerful questioning and coach-style leadership. You benefit in multiple ways:

As ‘presenter’ (when it’s ‘your issue’ being processed) you learn… how ‘arriving at a solution and strategy yourself’ (rather than being told) gives you so much more autonomy and ownership. You feel more engaged and motivated to take action. Back at work… in your leadership role… this is deeply valuable insight. It brings strongly into awareness how easy it is to inadvertently hold your team back

As participant/supporter you learn… how much MORE VALUABLE and IMPACTFUL your contribution is, when you give space for the individual to take responsibility for their challenge. How elegant questions support an individual to ‘arrive at’ the way forward, themselves. (As opposed to you telling them what to do/what they could do, based on your perspective). Not only will this significantly reduce your workload, it will build an empowering culture that is more fulfilling for your team

Of course, you also learn from the actual material and issues being processed too. Action Learning is such a rich opportunity to learn from the experiences that other professional peers are facing. As you process (together) real-world business and personal issues


The Action Learning Set is only available to full members of the Insight & Influence Mastermind

Places are STRICTLY LIMITED as the group will be very small

You commit for 12-months. Action Learning will happen for one full-day (in person) and one half-day (online) each quarter. This is in addition to the in-person, full-day training attended by all members of the Mastermind

(Full membership averages out as a time commitment of approximately 1 day a month)

Dont miss out on this opportunity

When places are filled… they’re filled

(Note: if you have questions / are not quite ready to register your interest… you can click this link to email me, or use the box below)

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